Most Recent Additions*


Climate, Health, and Dengue
Andrew N. Rowan and Kathleen Rowan


Why do People Buy Dogs with Potential Welfare Problems Related to Extreme Conformation and Inherited Disease? A representative study of Danish owners of four small dog breeds
Peter Sandøe, Sara V. Kondrup, Pauleen C. Bennet, Bjørn Forkman, Iben Meyer, Helle Friis Proschowsky, James A. Serpell, and Thomas Bøker Lund


COVID-19 Associated Reduction in Elective Spay-Neuter Surgeries for Dogs and Cats
Julie Levy, Simone Guerios, Tenley Porcher, Thomas Denagamage, and Gina Clemmer


A Long-Term Lens: Cumulative Impacts of Free-Roaming Cat Management Strategy and Intensity on Preventable Cat Mortalities
Matt Parker, Julie Levy, John Boone, Philip Miller, Joyce Briggs, Valerie Benka, Dennis Lawler, Margaret Slater, and Stephen Zawistowski


COVID-19 Associated Reduction in Elective Spay-Neuter Surgeries for Dogs and Cats
Matt Parker, Julie Levy, Simone Guerios, Gina Clemmer, Thomas Denagamage, and Tenley Porcher


A Long-Term Lens: Cumulative Impacts of Free-Roaming Cat Management Strategy and Intensity on Preventable Cat Mortalities
Julie Levy, John Boone, Philip Miller, Joyce Briggs, Valerie Benka, Dennis Lawler, Margaret Slater, and Stephen Zawistowski

*Updated as of 07/26/24.