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Extrapolating observed dogs/km by total street length and correcting for detectability gives an estimate of 37,009 dogs roaming on the streets of Dhaka City, including both the North and South City Corporation areas. In North City Corporation itself, there is an estimated population of 24,384 roaming dogs, 26% of whom, including both males and females, have already been sterilized. In South City Corporation, there is an estimated population of 12,625 roaming dogs, with only 13% having been sterilized. A total of 3,174 dogs were counted during early morning surveys along 244.35 km of streets in both the North and South City Corporation, from which we can extrapolate an average observed dog density of 12.99 dogs per km. The ratio of humans to dogs is 193:1 or 5 dogs per 1,000 people.
