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Publication Date
- Controlling fleas at home (Geoffrey L. Handy and Guy R. Hodge, in consultation with Dr. Melanie Adcock)
- Remember, pesticides are poisons
- Insecticides commonly used in flea control [Table]
- "Be a P.A.L. -- Prevent a Litter: 1990: a great campaign gets even better
- Humane federations, drug store chain work together to promote spay/neuter (Geoffrey L. Handy)
- Cat columnist captures hearts (Rhonda Lucas Donald)
- Pet identification goes high tech (Rhonda Lucas Donald)
- What a microchip is and how it works
- Bruflats violate probation
- Cooperation stops bear wrestling
- ACA scholarships still available
- ACO training guide available
- Directory of breed groups available
- Reproducible -- It's flea season again. Are you ready for battle?
- Help make FP-3 available (Phyllis Wright)
Recommended Citation
"Shelter Sense Volume 13, Number 02" (1990). ShelterSense 1978-92. 62.