Content Posted in 2018
26 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Our Love for Pets, Harold Herzog
A Beginner’s Guide to Stress Across Species
Addressing the Challenges of Conducting Observational Studies in Sheep Abattoirs, Elyssa Payne, Melissa Starling, and Paul McGreevy
Adventures in Catsterland, Arna Cohen
A Golden Rules, Ruthanne Johnson
A Killer Show, David Kirby
A Mission of Hope and Healing, Angela Moxley
Ample evidence for fish sentience and pain, Lynne U. Sneddon, David C.C. Wolfenden, Matthew C. Leach, Ana M. Valentim, Peter J. Steenbergen, Nabila Bardine, Donald M. Broom, and Culum Brown
An adaptationist perspective on animal suicide, Timothy P. Racine
An Ethogram for Benthic Octopods (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae), Jennifer Mather and Jean S. Alupay
Animal Control in Fairfax County, Virginia, Richard Amity
Animal Control in Fulton County, William Garrett
Animal Control in Pima County and Tucson, Arizona, Arthur J. Ruff
Animal Issues in the Media: A Groundbreaking Report, George Gerbner
Animal Management and Population Control, What Progress Have We Made?, Alexandra K. Wilson and Andrew N. Rowan
Animal Management and Population Control, What Progress Have We Made?, Alexandra K. Wilson and Andrew N. Rowan
Animals do not commit suicide but do display behaviors that are precursors of suicide in humans, David Eilam
Animals & Ethics 101: Thinking Critically About Animal Rights, Nathan Nobis
Animals & Ethics 101: Thinking Critically About Animal Rights, Nathan Nobis
Animal suicide: An account worth giving?, Irina Mikhalevich
Animal suicide and "anthropodenial", Ryan Hediger
Animal suicide: Evolutionary continuity or anthropomorphism?, Antonio Preti
Anthropocentrism as cognitive dissonance in animal research?, Ellen Furlong, Zachary Silver, and Jack Furlong
An Unfolding Storyline, Ketzel Levine
Anything But Ordinary, Arna Cohen
A Place of Their Own, Angela Moxley
A Review of Seal Killing Practice in Europe: Implications for Animal Welfare, Laetitia Nunny, Mark P. Simmonds, and Andrew Butterworth
As Seen on TV, Michael Sharp
A Tribute to Mutts, Carrie Allan
Back to Basics: Shelter Cat Enrichment, Debbie Swanson
Back to the Land, Karen E. Lange
Baseline Survey for Street Dogs in Guam, John D. Boone
Baseline Survey for Street Dogs in Haryana State, India, Amit Chaudhari
Bear Country, Karen E. Lange
Behind Closed Doors, Ruthanne Johnson
Better Behavior through the Food Dish
Bully Breeds and Leery Landlords
Can a dog be jealous?, Yaoguang Jiang, Annamarie W. Huttunen, and Michael L. Platt
Canine Distemper Virus: Anatomy of an Outbreak
Canine emotions: Guidelines for research, Miiamaaria V. Kujala
Canine Influenza Virus: Fact or Fiction?
Can neuroimaging in dogs have practical implications?, Tiffani J. Howell
Can nondolphins commit suicide?, David M. Peña-Guzmán
Can’t Judge a Bull by the Cover, James Hettinger
Caterpillar/basil-plant tandems, Paco Calvo
Cephalopod Complex Cognition, Jennifer Mather
Changing Lives Crate by Crate, Karen E. Lange
Changing the Landscape, Wayne Pacelle
Charlotte - Mecklenburg Animal Control Program, Diane Quisenberry
Chicken minds and moral standing, Kristin Andrews
Chickens play to the crowd, Cinzia Chiandetti
City of Los Angeles: Animal Care and Control, Robert I. Rush
Close Encounters of the Critter Kind
Coming Home to Roost, Carrie Allan
Companion Animal Populations in Massachusetts, DORR Research Corporation
Companion Animal Statistics in the USA, Andrew N. Rowan
Compassion Fatigue in the Animal-Care Community, Charles R. Figley and Robert G. Roop
Compassion Fatigue in the Animal-Care Community, Charles R. Figley and Robert G. Roop
Competing activities as measures of fear and vigilance, Ferenc Mónus
Complicated grief, Teya Brooks Pribac
Comprehensive Animal Control, Jack Homes
Conducting a Basic Intake Exam, Shevaun Brannigan
Continuum and temporality, Gerard Kuperus
Counting the Contributions: Benchmarking for Your Organization and Your State, Andrew N. Rowan
Counting the Contributions: Benchmarking for Your Organization and Your State, Andrew N. Rowan
Coyotes Among Us, Karen E. Lange
Coyotes Under Fire, Karen E. Lange
Culture Clash— or a Class in Culture?, Lorraine Chittock
Defining denial and sentient seafood, Jennifer Jacquet
Defining pain and painful sentience in animals, Edgar T. Walters
Degrees of sentience?, Jonathan Birch
Denialism and muddying the water or organized skepticism and clarity? THAT is the question, Ben Diggles and Howard I. Browman
Displaying jealous behavior versus experiencing jealousy, Judit Abdai and Ádám Miklósi
Do Children With Cats Have More Mental Health Problems?, Harold Herzog
Does the Stress Inherent to Laboratory Life and Experimentation on Animals Adversely Affect Research Data?, Jarrod Bailey
Dog Behavior Co-Varies with Height, Bodyweight and Skull Shape, Paul D. McGreevy, Dana Georgevsky, Johanna Carrasco, Michael Valenzuela, Deborah L. Duffy, and James A. Serpell
Dog Population & Dog Sheltering Trends in the United States of America, Andrew N. Rowan and Tamara Kartal
Dogs aren’t jealous – they are just asking for accurate information, Karen L. Overall
Downwind of the Factory Farm, Ruthanne Johnson
Ecological uncertainty influences vigilance as a marker of fear, Laurence E. A. Feyten and Grant E. Brown
Emergency Planning After Katrina
Emotional reactions in non-human animals and social-functional theories of emotion, Gerben A. van Kleef
Environmental Factors Associated with Success Rates of Australian Stock Herding Dogs, Elizabeth R. Arnott, Jonathan B. Early, Claire M. Wade, and Paul D. McGreevy
Estimates of Heritability of Beef Cattle Performance Traits by Regression of Offspring on Sire, C. J. Brown and Maximo Gacula
Estimating the Economic Value of Australian Stock Herding Dogs, E. R. Arnott, J. B. Early, C. M. Wade, and P. D. McGreevy
Ethical Foundations for the Lethal Management of Double-crested Cormorants (Phalocrocorax auritus) in the Eastern United States: an Argument Analysis, Chelsea Batavia and Michael Paul Nelson
Evolutionary continuity, Anne Benvenuti
Explaining China’s Wildlife Crisis: Cultural Tradition or Politics of Development, Peter J. Li
Exploring the Differences Between Pet and Non-Pet Owners: Implications for Human-Animal Interaction Research and Policy, Jessica Saunders, Layla Parast, Susan H. Babey, and Jeremy V. Miles
Faces of the Animal Protection Movement
Faithful Following, Karen E. Lange
Fake or not: Two prerequisites for jealousy, Juliane Bräuer and Federica Amici
Fashion Conscience, Andy Macalpine
Fat Vegan Politics: A Survey of Fat Vegan Activists’ Online Experiences with Social Movement Sizeism, Corey Lee Wrenn
Feeding Your Fire (Without Burning Out)
Fill-in-the-blank-emotion in dogs? Evidence from brain imaging, Alexandra Horowitz, Becca Franks, and Jeff Sebo
Finding the green-eyed monster in the brain of a dog, Peter Singer
Fish and plant sentience: Anesthetized plants and fishes cannot respond to stimuli, Ken Yokawa and František Baluška
Fish are smart and feel pain: What about joy?, Becca Franks, Jeff Sebo, and Alexandra Horowitz
Fish consciousness, David Gamez
Fish sentience, consciousness, and AI, Ila France Porcher
Fish sentience denial: Muddying the waters, Lynne U. Sneddon, Javier Lopez-Luna, David C.C. Wolfenden, Matthew C. Leach, Ana M. Valentim, Peter J. Steenbergen, Nabila Bardine, Amanda D. Currie, Donald M. Broom, and Culum Brown
Fish sentience denial: Muddy moral water, Robert C. Jones
From Homeland to Wasteland, David Kirby
From the Editors, Angela Moxley
Gimme Shelter, Julie Falconer
Giving Animals the Podium, Andy Macalpine
Goats Prefer Positive Human Emotional Facial Expressions, Christian Nawroth, Natalia Albuquerque, Carine Savalli, Marie-Sophie Single, and Alan G. McElligott
Good Karma, Karen E. Lange
Hallmarks of Science Missing from North American Wildlife Management, Kyle A. Artelle, John D. Reynolds, Adrian Treves, Jessica C. Walsh, Paul C. Paquet, and Chris T. Darimont
Helping Cats Find Their Happy Place
Here for a Reason, Carrie Allan
Home Makeovers to Meow About, Katina Antoniades
Hope in a Land of War and Want, Pamela Constable
How "Pet-tie" Are Dogs? What About Goldfish and Lizards?, Harold Herzog
How to Save a Life—or Maybe 300
How to Win Friends and Influence People (to Help Animals)
Human Demographics, Animal Demographics, Human-Animal Interaction and the Animal Control Program of Baltimore City, Lloyd H. Ross
Human Demonstration Does Not Facilitate the Performance of Horses (Equus caballus) in a Spatial Problem-Solving Task, Joan-Bryce Burla, Janina Siegwart, and Christian Nawroth
Human-Directed Behaviour in Goats is Not Affected by Short-Term Positive Handling, Jan Langbein, Annika Krause, and Christian Nawroth
Humane Education, Lillian Maude Mathewson
Humane Living, Ruthanne Johnson
Human Induced Rotation and Reorganization of the Brain of Domestic Dogs, Taryn Roberts, Paul McGreevy, and Michael Valenzuela
If it looks like a duck: Fish fit the criteria for pain perception, Julia E. Meyers-Manor
If nonhuman animals can suicide, why don’t they?, C. A. Soper and Todd K. Shackelford
Individual Personality Differences in Goats Predict Their Performance in Visual Learning and Non-Associative Cognitive Tasks, Christian Nawroth, Pamela M. Prentice, and Alan G. McElligott
Inferring emotion from amygdala activation alone is problematic, Thomas F. Denson
Inquiries into Dog Ownership in Abaco with Specific Referene to AARF/SNIP SN Project, William J. Fielding
In-Service Teachers’ Understanding and Teaching of Humane Education Before and After a Standards-Based Intervention, Stephanie Itle-Clark
International Consensus Principles for Ethical Wildlife Control, Sara Dubois, Nicole Fenwick, Erin A. Ryan, Liv Baker, Sandra E. Baker, Ngaio J. Beausoleil, Scott Carter, Barbara Cartwright, Federico Costa, Chris Draper, John Griffin, Adam Grogan, Gregg Howald, Bidda Jones, Kate E. Littin, Amanda T. Lombard, David J. Mellor, Daniel Ramp, Catherine A. Schuppli, and David Fraser
Into the Disaster Zone, Michael Sharp
Intrapopulation Diversity in Isotopic Niche Over Landscapes: Spatial Patterns Inform Conservation of Bear–Salmon Systems, Megan S. Adams, Christina N. Service, Andrew Bateman, Mathieu Bourbonnais, Kyle A. Artelle, Trisalyn Nelson, Paul C. Paquet, Taal Levi, and Chris T. Darimont
In Virginia, Challenging the Status Quo
Is psychological science committing “suicide” by linguistic muddling?, Roger K. Thomas
Jealousy, competition, or a contextual cue for reward?, Thomas R. Zentall
Jealousy in dogs? Evidence from brain imaging, Peter Cook, Ashley Prichard, Mark Spivak, and Gregory S. Berns
Jealousy? or just hostility toward other dogs? The risks of jumping to conclusions, James A. Serpell
Joint Position Statement on 'Project Wild', The American Humane Association, The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Animal Protection Institute, Fund for Animals, The Humane Society of the United States, International Fund for Animal Welfare, Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Justice for All, Julie Falconer
Kids With a Cause, Arna Cohen
Kittens: Coming Now to a Shelter Near You
Lessons from behaviour for brain imaging, Carolyn J. Walsh
Lessons from chimpanzee sign language studies, Mary Lee Jensvold
Let's See Some I.D., Arna Cohen
Letter, Jarrod Bailey
Letter to the Editor, Jarrod Bailey
Lightening the Load, Arna Cohen
Limits of neuroscience, Paul Morris
Looking on the Bright Side of Livestock Emotions—the Potential of Their Transmission to Promote Positive Welfare, Luigi Baciadonna, Sandra Duepjan, Elodie Briefer, Mónica Padilla de la Torre, and Christian Nawroth
Making Babies? First, Make Baby-Ready Pets
Making Spay/Neuter an Inside Job
Many Happy Returns, Alan Green
Marine Mammals and Multiple Stressors: Implications for Conservation and Policy, Mark P. Simmonds
Massachusetts Public Opinion Study on Spaying and Neutering Pets, DORR Research Corporation
Mating Games Squid Play: Reproductive Behaviour and Sexual Skin Displays in Caribbean Reef Squid Sepioteuthis sepioidea, Jennifer Mather
Medical SOPs: Lifesaving, Step by Step
Methodological suggestions for inferring fear from vigilance, Julie A. Teichroeb
Mismeasured Mortality: Correcting Estimates of Wolf Poaching in the United States, Adrian Treves, Kyle A. Artelle, Chris T. Darimont, and David R. Parsons
My Bird-Shaped Heart, Katie Carrus
New York City Animal Control: An Overview, John F. Kullberg
Nocifensive behavior as evidence for sentient pain in fish, Marissol Leite da Silva, Caio Maximino, and Diógenes Henrique Siqueira-Silva
No-Fly Zone, Charles Bergman
No Place for Poaching, Andy Macalpine
Nose on the Range, Douglas H. Chadwick
Oh, Baby!, Ruthanne Johnson
On crabs and statistics, Jonathan Birch
On jealousy, envy, sex differences and temperament in humans and dogs, Eddie Harmon-Jones and Sylvia K. Harmon-Jones
Online Hunting Forums Identify Achievement as Prominent Among Multiple Satisfactions, Alena M. Ebeling-Schuld and Chris T. Darimont
Only the human brain has the cognitive capacity for jealousy, Donatella Marazziti
On Measuring Progress in Animal Welfare, James A. Serpell
On the Scent of Poachers, Julie Falconer
Pain in fish: Evidence from peripheral nociceptors to pallial processing, Michael L. Woodruff
Personality Affects Your Chances of Being Attacked by a Dog, Harold Herzog
Physiology, Propaganda, and Pound Animals: Medical Research and Animal Welfare in Mid-Twentieth Century America, John Parascandola
Political Populations of Large Carnivores, Chris T. Darimont, Paul C. Paquet, Adrian Treves, and Kyle A. Artelle
Population Survey (Census) of Stray Dog Population in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Rahul Sehgal, Sunil Chawla, and Jack Reece
Positive emotions and quality of life in dogs, Patrizia Piotti
Post-Darwin skepticism and run-of-the-mill suicide, John Hadley
Prairie Dog Watch, Kathy Milani
President's Note, Wayne Pacelle
Protecting All Animals: A Fifty-Year History of The Humane Society of the United States, Bernard Unti
Protecting All Animals: A Fifty-Year History of The Humane Society of the United States, Bernard Unti
Prowling the Divide, Julie Falconer
Reclaiming the Christmas Puppy
Report of Roaming Dog Survey of Dhaka City Corporation, Bangladesh, Amit Chaudhari
Report of the Palm Beach County Animal Regulation Division, Dennis Moore
Report on Owned Dog Population Survey in Cebu City, Philippines, Kazami Joanne Amano and Tamara Kartal
Report on Owned Dog Population Survey in Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines, Kazami Joanne Amano, Tamara Kartal, and Amit Chaudhari
Report on Owned Dog Population Survey In Lingayen, Philippines, Tamara Kartal, Lynne U. Sneddon, and Amit Chaudhari
Report on Owned Dog Population Survey In Zamboanga, Philippines, Tamara Kartal, Lynne U. Sneddon, and Amit Chaudhari
Rescued from Squalor, Carrie Allan
Researchers, not dogs, lack control in an experiment on jealousy, Jennifer Vonk
Roots of self-preservation failure in animal behavior, Denys deCatanzaro
Safe Among the Herd, Karen E. Lange
Safe Harbor, Jennifer Weeks
Sealed with a Kiss—and Scads of Marketing Savvy
Self, death, and suicide: Does an animal know of these?, Carolyn A. Ristau
Sentience: All or none or matter of degree?, Loren Martin and Robert Gerlai
Sentience in fishes: More on the evidence, Michael L. Woodruff
Sentience, the final frontier...., Shelley Adamo
Sentient plants? Nervous minds?, Arthur S. Reber
Situating the study of jealousy in the context of social relationships, Christine E. Webb and Frans B. M. de Waal
Slum Dogs by the Millions, Julie Falconer
Someone to Watch Over Me, Carrie Allan
Someone to Watch Over Me, Carrie Allan
Spirit of the Wolverine, Douglas H. Chadwick
Strong Selection for Behavioural Resilience in Australian Stock Working Dogs Identified by Selective Sweep Analysis, Elizabeth R. Arnott, Lincoln Peek, Jonathan B. Early, Annie Y. H. Pan, Bianca Haase, Tracy Chew, Paul D. McGreevy, and Claire M. Wade
Survey of the Owned Dog Population in District II of Quezon City, Philippines, Kazami Joanne Amano
Surveys of the Street and Private Dog Population in Vadodara, India, Tamara Kartal and Amit Chaudhari
Surveys of the Street and Private Dog Population: Jamnagar, Gujarat India, Tamara Kartal and Amit Chaudhari
Surveys of the Street and Private Dog Population: Kalhaar Bungalows, Gujarat India, Tamara Kartal and Amit Chaudhari
Taking It to the Streets, Michael Sharp
The Accidental Cat Lady, Betsy McFarland
The Animal Research Controversy: Protest, Process & Public Policy, Andrew N. Rowan, Franklin M. Loew, and Joan C. Weer
The Animal Research Controversy: Protest, Process & Public Policy, Andrew N. Rowan
The Art of Observing, Ruthanne Johnson
The Chimpanzee Challenge, Nancy Lawson
The degeneracy of behavior and the rise of neuroimaging to measure affective states in dogs, Peter F. Cook and Gregory S. Berns
The Effect of Noseband Tightening on Horses’ Behavior, Eye Temperature, and Cardiac Responses, Kate Fenner, Samuel Yoon, Peter White, Melissa Starling, and Paul McGreevy
The Elephant (Head) in the Room: A Critical Look at Trophy Hunting, Chelsea Batavia, Michael Paul Nelson, Chris T. Darimont, Paul C. Paquet, William J. Ripple, and Arian D. Wallach
The End of Animal Testing?, Angela Moxley
The Faces of Climate Change, Karen E. Lange
The Global Fight for Wildlife, Teresa Telecky
The Healing Ground, Michael Sharp
The Horrible Hundred 2015: A Sampling of Problem Puppy Mills in the United States, The Humane Society of the United States
The Horrible Hundred 2016: A Sampling of Problem Puppy Mills in the United States, The Humane Society of the United States
The Horrible Hundred 2017: A Sampling of Problem Puppy Mills and Puppy Dealers in the United States, The Humane Society of the United States
The Humane Movement in the United States: 1910-1922, William J. Shultz
The Humane Society of the United States Complete Guide to Horse Care, Erin Harty, Keith Dane, Eric Davis, Holly Hazard, and Deborah Salem
The Humane Society of the United States Complete Guide to Horse Care, Erin Harty, Keith Dane, Eric Davis, Holly Hazard, and Deborah Salem
The human nervous system is not the gold standard for pain, Riccardo Manzotti
The Joy of Adopting, Arna Cohen
The Law By Our Side, Julie Falconer
The Long Road to Freedom, Karen E. Lange
The Long Way Home, Carrie Allan
The Man with a Plan, Karen E. Lange
The many faces of fear and vigilance, Guy Beauchamp
The Most Dangerous Day Job, Mike Satchell
The Movement Action Plan: A Strategic Framework Describing The Eight Stages of Successful Social Movements, Bill Moyer
The Private and Free Roaming Street Dog Population in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, Tamara Kartal and Amit Chaudhari
The Purebred Paradox, Carrie Allan
The Quality of Mercy: Organized Animal Protection in the United States 1866-1930, Bernard Unti
The Success of Companion Animal Management Programs: A Historical and Statistical Review, Andrew N. Rowan
The Use of Animals in Higher Education: Problems, Alternatives, & Recommendations, Jonathan Balcombe
The Use of Animals in Higher Education: Problems, Alternatives, & Recommendations, Jonathan Balcombe
The value of Bayesian statistics for assessing credible evidence of animal sentience, Anil K. Seth and Zoltan Dienes
The Welfare Effects of PCBs in the Ocean, Mark P. Simmonds
Thinking about thinking chickens, Lori Marino
Time to (finally) acknowledge that fish have emotionality and pain, Konstantin A. Demin, Anton M. Lakstygal, and Allan V. Kalueff
Tool Use in Captive Gorillas, Sarah T. Boysen, Valerie A. Kuhlmeier, Peter Halliday, and Yolanda Muldonado Halliday
To Protect and Serve, Arna Cohen
Tracking Data, Helping Animals
Trouble in Paradise, Karen E. Lange
Truth in Numbers, Nancy Lawson
Turning Science into Policy: The Case of Farm Animal Welfare in Canada, David Fraser
Turtle Trackers, Nancy Lawson
Understanding animal suicide and death can lead to better end-of-life care, Jessica Pierce
Understanding dogs' neural responses in a food-giving paradigm, Zachary A. Silver and Laurie R. Santos
Valuable Behavioural Phenotypes in Australian Farm Dogs, P. D. McGreevy, C. M. Wade, E. R. Arnott, and J. B. Early
Walking All the Way to the Bank
War on Wolves, Ruthanne Johnson
We The People, Karen E. Lange
What can the social emotions of dogs teach us about human emotions?, Dean Mobbs
What is it like to be a jealous dog?, Emanuela Prato Previde and Paola Valsecchi
What is suicide?, William M. Baum
What would we like to know by imaging the brains of dogs?, Ralph Adolphs
When You're Ready for a Mature Relationship, Arna Cohen
Where the Prairie Dogs Roam, Ruthanne Johnson
Whip Use by Jockeys in a Sample of Australian Thoroughbred Races—An Observational Study, Paul D. McGreevy, Robert A. Corken, Hannah Salvin, and Celeste M. Black
Why Do People Think Animals Make Good Therapists?, Harold Herzog
Why do we want to think humans are different?, Colin A. Chapman and Michael A. Huffman
Why is Our Food Making Us Sick?, David Kirby
Why Men Trophy Hunt, Chris T. Darimont, Brian F. Codding, and Kristen Hawkes
Wildlife Conservation, Zoos and Animal Protection: A Strategic Analysis, Andrew N. Rowan
Working Constructively Toward an Improved North American Approach to Wildlife Management, Kyle A. Artelle, John D. Reynolds, Adrian Treves, Jessica C. Walsh, Paul C. Paquet, and Chris T. Darimont
You Can Go Home Again, Julie Falconer
You Had Me at Dum-Diddle-Dum-Dum, Wade Rouse
Your Pet, Arna Cohen