Document Type
Publication Date
- All cats should be indoor cats (Rhonda Lucas Donald)
- Helping an outdoor cat adjust to life indoors
- The best way to catch a dog
- National resolution, "Every Litter Hurts" them mark third "P.A.L." month (Geoffrey L. Handy)
- A lesson in preparedness from a shelter that endured the San Francisco earthquake (Rhonda Lucas Donal and Rick Haze)
- HSUS launches "Beautiful Choice" campaign
- 1990 HSUS Conference in October
- Pet portraits raise funds, awareness
- Insurance hinders mobile adoptions
- Book helps "second-hand" dogs
- Reproducible -- Keep cats indoors!
- "It's just one litter ... " (Phyllis Wright)
Recommended Citation
"Shelter Sense Volume 13, Number 07" (1990). ShelterSense 1978-92. 92.